Sunday School Classes at Grace

9:30 every Sunday (unless noted in calendar). At Grace we offer Sunday School Classes for all aged from Pre-K through High School. Various curriculum is offered during the Church calendar. Throughout the year there are usually 1-2 Adult Sunday School Classes.

Youth Retreats at Camp Maranatha

Each fall and spring, the youth have the opportunity to spend part or all of a weekend on a retreat at Camp Maranatha in Scottsboro. The retreats are divided up into age groups.

Montreat Youth Conference

Our high school youth can attend the annual summer Montreat retreat in North Carolina.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is held each summer. This is an important ministry here at Grace and a wonderful outreach to our surrounding community. Various programs have been used over the past years, including beach-themed and “Marketplace” curricula.

Christian Education Team

This Ministry Team facilitates and oversees all aspects of the education program at Grace. The purpose of this Team is to provide age-level appropriate education and resources for children, youth, and adults. The education process focuses on Sunday School, Vacation Bible School (in conjunction with other churches in our area), and on fundamental aspects of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Other curricula may be offered that meet congregational needs, such as subject specific classes and additional family opportunities. Special programs are offered which allow the congregation to demonstrate their creativity, such as the Children’s Christmas Program. This Team also provides access to camps offered through the Presbytery and may help members financially with the cost of camp.