What To Expect:

Coffee Fellowship – 10:30 until 11:00 a.m.

Coffee, Hot Tea, and snacks are offered at the Coffee Bar located in the South area of the Narthex. This is a nice way to socialize with others before the worship service. 

Worship Service – 11:00 a.m.

When you enter the building, you will most likely be greeted and welcomed at the front door.  You will step into the Narthex where you’ll see the bulletins for the worship service on a table to the right.  The bulletin guides you through the order of worship. There are many times in which the Congregation responds out-loud and these are printed in bold letters. 

The church members and friends are loving and kind, and open and accepting.  Dress attire is anything from jeans and t-shirts to suits. All is accepted. We encourage you to dress however you are most comfortable.

Music is central in worship at Grace.  We have a small but mighty voice choir, a handbell choir, and gifted accompanist. Special music such as violin, clarinet, saxophone, and piano are provided regularly.

Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month and on special holy days as well.  Communion is for all who trust in Jesus as their Savior.  It is not a Presbyterian table, but Christ’s table.  We pass the communion plate to each other saying “Bread of Heaven” and “Cup of Salvation” and respond with “Thanks be to God” or “Amen.”  We eat the bread as we receive it but hold the cup to drink together. 

A cry room and nursery are available. A children’s sermon is delivered before the adult sermon and children are encouraged to come up front and sit near the Pastor while the children’s message is given. 

Sunday School – 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School is offered to children and adults. The children’s school is for all ages 4 – 12. The Adult Class is for all adults and the curriculum is usually topical.