Grace Ministry Teams
Grace Presbyterian Church session is made of nine elders. Each elder is assigned as liaison to the session for one of the six Ministry Teams. The current Ministry Team elders and leaders are as follows:
Christian Education
- Leader — Meghan Laury Tucker
- Liaison — Marty Kullman
This Ministry Team facilitates and oversees all aspects of the education program at Grace. The purpose of this Team is to provide age-level appropriate education and resources for children, youth, and adults. The education process focuses on Sunday School, Vacation Bible School (in conjunction with other churches in our area), and on fundamental aspects of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Other curricula may be offered that meet congregational needs, such as subject specific classes and additional family opportunities. Special programs are offered which allow the congregation to demonstrate their creativity, such as the Children’s Christmas Program. This Team also provides access to camps offered through the Presbytery and may help members financially with the cost of camp.
Congregational Care
- Leader — Valerie McLaughlin
- Liaison — Marsha Latham
This Ministry Team is responsible for the nurture and care of the congregation.
- Fellowship opportunities, for example: fellowship trips to Maranatha, church potluck dinners, church parties, Sunday fellowship refreshments, and providing new baby baskets.
- Care is given to the sick, bereaved, and shut-in
- Meals are provided and cards are sent as necessary
- Rides provided to appointments when necessary
- Help with small household projects
- Caregiver Support: Provides information and support for those who are caregivers.
- Stephen Ministry
Mission and Service
- Leader — Jim Hutcheson
- Liaison — Tracey Kennedy
This Ministry Team is responsible for helping Grace be a mission oriented congregation actively engaged in service locally and internationally. This includes Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission projects, ecumenical and interfaith relationships, community service projects, and helping individuals and families in need. To include but not limited to – see link below:
- CASA work days each Fall
- Presbyterian Home for Children
- Bread Sundays and Canned Food Sundays
- Bi–annual Lifesouth Blood Drive
- Provide mission education and outreach projects with a commitment to service.
- Grace Helping Madison: Ongoing drives to collect items for local donations.
Property and Facilities
- Leader — Betty Brown
- Liaison — Jamie Clay
This Ministry Team is responsible for the use of all church buildings by outsiders through the Grace Presbyterian Church Building Policy.
- Maintain building(s)
- Oversee the upkeep of church grounds
Administration and Finance
- Leader — Carol House
- Liaison — Tom McLaughlin
This Ministry Team is responsible for all aspects of financial management for Grace.
- Personnel records, job descriptions and evaluations
- Overseeing all tax and insurance matter, contracts and legal agreements
- Responsible for all administrative policies of Grace; maintaining, updating and coordinating as necessary with Session and other appropriate teams
- Maintaining data ( ex. attendance) to support quality long term and short term planning
- Formulate, implement and administer the church budget coordinating with all Ministry Teams
- Recommend budget to Session
- Work with other teams to assure that the business affairs operate in a sound manner
- Counting and deposit of offerings, fiscal management and funds accounting, and making monthly financial reports to the Session
Music and Worship
- Leader — Kate Laury
- Liaison — Susan Marenka
This team gives oversight and guidance to our worship and our ministry of music, guided by The Form of Government, The Directory for Worship, and The Book of Common Worship.
- Interpret the meaning and purpose of worship in the Reformed tradition
- Provide ushers, liturgists, acolytes, communion elements, paraments, banners, flowers, drama, and dance.
- Recruits and trains the worship assistants
- Develop and enhance the music programs
- Plan special worship occasions (in consultation with Pastor), such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Pentecost, All Saints, weddings, and funerals.
- Manage calendar for the Sacrament of Communion
- Oversee wedding and funeral policies