Music Opportunities

  • Choir
  • Handbells
  • Instrumental Ensemble

Music and Worship Team

This team gives oversight and guidance to our worship and our ministry of music, guided by The Form of GovernmentThe Directory for Worship, and The Book of Common Worship.

  • Interpret the meaning and purpose of worship in the Reformed tradition
  • Provide ushers, liturgists, acolytes, communion elements, paraments, banners, flowers, drama, and dance.
  • Recruits and trains the worship assistants
  • Develop and enhance the music programs
  • Plan special worship occasions (in consultation with Pastor), such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Pentecost, All Saints, weddings, and funerals.
  • Manage calendar for the Sacrament of Communion
  • Oversee wedding and funeral policies

Before Service

  • Try to arrive 30 minutes before the service and be dressed appropriately as you will be representing the church and playing a part in the worship service.
  • Make sure the children’s activity bags are ready (at least three different color crayons, one pencil, two pieces of paper or a tablet, no trash from last week and no pens – some supplies are on the Music and Worship shelf in the secretary’s office). Leave extra pads and pencils in the basket.
  • Make sure the adult and children’s bulletins are available.
  • Ten minutes before the service, open the double doors into the sanctuary.
  • Hand out both adult and children’s bulletins as people enter the sanctuary – smile, be friendly, and greet everyone.
  • Make sure the choir, library, and storage room doors are closed before the service starts.

During Service

  • After the Minister, liturgist, Acolytes, and the choir have entered, close the outside doors, the door to the hallway, and all but one of the doors into the Sanctuary.
  • Once the first hymn has started, you may close the remaining door and take a seat.
  • When it is time to collect the offering, go to the Narthex and retrieve the collection plates. Form up two abreast at the back of the Sanctuary and walk down the center aisle to the front row.
  • If you have an usher younger than ten, please have an adult accompany them on their side.
  • Each usher collects from one side of the Sanctuary starting at the front, center aisle and working towards the rear.
  • Next start at the front of the side aisles (choir included) and work towards the back.
  • Count the number of people in the Sanctuary (or each usher count a side), either while collecting or standing at the back. Write the total on the provided form (usually in the collection plate prior to collection). This total should include the Minister, liturgist, choir, organist, and the ushers.
  • One usher needs to walk back to the nursery and count the number of children and nursery workers and count the number of kids and teachers in churchtime. Write these totals on the provided form.
  • Wait at the back of the Sanctuary, formed up two abreast, until the congregation begins to sing the Doxology, then walk to the front of the Sanctuary. Someone will take the collection plates from you.
  • If communion is to be celebrated, Acolytes should form up behind you with the elements.
  • Return to your seat.

After Service

  • Pickup any bulletins, papers, kid bags, or communion cups left in the Sanctuary.