Grace Presbyterian Church is made up of people of all ages and diverse backgrounds. We are a welcoming congregation which appreciates traditional worship services where music plays an important role. Spiritual nurture is emphasized as well. We are called by God and led by the Holy Spirit into service for the community and the world in the name of Jesus Christ. All are welcome at Grace and at the table of our Lord. At Grace Presbyterian Church, expect to be accepted.

The Mission of Grace Presbyterian Church

Glorify God by
Reaching out to the community and the world,
Accepting all as children of God, being
Christ-centered in our service and ministry, and
Embracing God’s love and grace through the Holy Spirit as a church family.

Grace Church Statement of Community

When God created the world, he charged humanity with the care and nurture of Creation. Yet we reject God’s design by making choices that oppose God’s will. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, whose life, death and resurrection reconcile us to God and one another. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Grace Presbyterian Church gathers as a community of believers worshipping God and sharing the good news of reconciliation through Christ Jesus.

e are all Children of God, brothers and sisters who are united by the common thread of faith in God;
  • diverse, ethnically, culturally, racially, economically, theologically, male and female, young and old, single and paired;
  • inclusive, encouraging and celebrating the participation of all;
  • seeking new ideas and ways to witness and serve;
  • a congregation that defines the church as people who seek to express the love of God;
  • a church where children are welcomed, nurtured and included in this household of faith.

By God’s grace we commit ourselves to become a church where we

  • laugh and rejoice together,
  • cry and comfort together,
  • sing and dance together,
  • worship and pray together,
  • mourn and heal together,
  • share faith and doubt, hope and pain;
  • accept one another as people with gifts and imperfections, seeking to be closer to God
  • A Church home in the truest and best sense.

e express our commitment to God’s love and grace

  • by affirming God’s love and acceptance for all people in Jesus Christ;
  • by inviting and welcoming others into an inclusive community of faith;
  • by affirming the ministry of clergy and lay people, women, men and children in serving God in this church, this community, and the world;
  • by seeking opportunities for promoting racial and ethnic harmony;
  • by nurturing and caring for God’s Earth;
  • by working for peace, justice and reconciliation;
  • by joyfully worshipping God and witnessing to God’s grace.